
Weekly Update

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago

What have you done this term?


This term I have made a project about flash drives. We have created a Linux Box that is very American, we have fought terrorism, and I made some really neat stickers on the vinyl cutter. We also made network cables and made linked the computers at our taBLE.




What was the biggest challenge for you this term?


this term the biggest challenge was figuring out how to use Terminal on Linux and also learning to use the vinyl cutter. Also finding good information and learning about Flash drives was difficult



What have you learned that could be useful outside of school?

I've learned a lot about operating systems and also the stickers can be used outside of school. Also the knowledge about networking and making cables is very useful. I have also learned about gimp and can use that on my computers at home



Of the things you have done this term, what would you like to do more of?

More stickers!!! maybe some silk screening and stencils with the cutter too. Id also like to make a mac, i think thatd be dope.



get ca$h


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